Často diskutované akcie
Investovanie ponúka príležitosti, ale tiež so sebou nesie riziká. LYNX poskytuje komplexné analýzy a prehľady trendov a vývoja v rôznych sektoroch, ktoré vám pomôžu zvážiť ako potenciálne príležitosti, tak aj možné riziká.
Môžete si napríklad prečítať články o akciách spojených s AI technológiami, inovatívnych firmách v biotechnologickom sektore a spoločnostiach kótovaných na indexoch S&P500, Nasdaq 100, Dow Jones a ďalších. Cieľom je informovať o situácii na rôznych trhoch po celom svete od Európy až po USA a Čínu. Spoznajte vybrané sektory a akcie a odhaľte možné príležitosti aj riziká.
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Akciové témy
Udalosti týždňa
štvrtok - 30. januára 2025
23:50 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
23:50 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
23:50 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
23:50 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
23:30 hod.
Tokyo CPI (Jan)
23:30 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
23:30 hod.
Tokyo CPI Ex Food and Energy (Jan)
23:30 hod.
Jobs/applications ratio (Dec)
23:30 hod.
Tokyo Core CPI (Jan)
21:30 hod.
Fed Balance Sheet (Jan/29)
21:00 hod.
ANZ Roy Morgan Consumer Confidence (Jan)
19:00 hod.
Fiscal Balance (Dec)
17:30 hod.
Net Payrolls (Dec)
17:00 hod.
15-Year Mortgage Rate (Jan/30)
17:00 hod.
30-Year Mortgage Rate (Jan/30)
16:30 hod.
8-Week Bill Auction
16:30 hod.
4-Week Bill Auction
15:45 hod.
10-Year NTN-F Auction
15:45 hod.
2-Year LTN Auction
15:30 hod.
EIA Natural Gas Stocks Change (Jan/24)
15:00 hod.
Pending Home Sales (Dec)
15:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Nov)
15:00 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Nov)
15:00 hod.
Imports (Nov)
15:00 hod.
Pending Home Sales (Dec)
14:00 hod.
M2 Money Supply (Dec)
14:00 hod.
M3 Money Supply (Dec)
14:00 hod.
Private Bank Lending (Dec)
14:00 hod.
Interest Rate Decision
13:45 hod.
ECB Press Conference
13:30 hod.
Continuing Jobless Claims (Jan/18)
13:30 hod.
Initial Jobless Claims (Jan/25)
13:30 hod.
Average Weekly Earnings (Nov)
13:30 hod.
Core PCE Prices (Q4)
13:30 hod.
GDP Price Index (Q4)
13:30 hod.
GDP Sales (Q4)
13:30 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
13:30 hod.
PCE Prices (Q4)
13:30 hod.
Real Consumer Spending (Q4)
13:30 hod.
Jobless Claims 4-week Average (Jan/25)
13:15 hod.
Deposit Facility Rate
13:15 hod.
ECB Interest Rate Decision
13:15 hod.
Marginal Lending Rate
13:00 hod.
Prime Overdraft Rate
13:00 hod.
Interest Rate Decision
12:15 hod.
Business Confidence (Jan)
12:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
12:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
12:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
12:00 hod.
CFIB Business Barometer (Jan)
11:30 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan/24)
11:00 hod.
Industrial Sales (Nov)
11:00 hod.
Wholesale Prices (Dec)
11:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
11:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
11:00 hod.
Total Credit (Dec)
11:00 hod.
IGP-M Inflation (Jan)
11:00 hod.
Industrial Sales (Nov)
11:00 hod.
MPC Meeting Summary
11:00 hod.
Wholesale Prices (Dec)
10:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:30 hod.
Budget Balance (Dec)
10:10 hod.
10-Year BTP Auction
10:10 hod.
5-Year BTP Auction
10:10 hod.
15-Year BTP Auction
10:10 hod.
BTP Auction
10:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
10:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
10:00 hod.
Consumer Confidence (Dec)
10:00 hod.
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
10:00 hod.
Consumer Inflation Expectations (Jan)
10:00 hod.
Current Account (Q3)
10:00 hod.
Economic Sentiment (Jan)
10:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
10:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
10:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
10:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Nov)
10:00 hod.
Industrial Sentiment (Jan)
10:00 hod.
PPI (Dec)
10:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
10:00 hod.
Selling Price Expectations (Jan)
10:00 hod.
Services Sentiment (Jan)
10:00 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
10:00 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
10:00 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
10:00 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
09:30 hod.
M4 Money Supply (Dec)
09:30 hod.
PPI (Dec)
09:30 hod.
BoE Consumer Credit (Dec)
09:30 hod.
PPI (Dec)
09:30 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
09:30 hod.
Mortgage Approvals (Dec)
09:30 hod.
Mortgage Lending (Dec)
09:30 hod.
Net Lending to Individuals (Dec)
09:30 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
09:30 hod.
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
09:30 hod.
Business Confidence (Jan)
09:00 hod.
PPI (Dec)
09:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
09:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:00 hod.
PPI (Dec)
09:00 hod.
Business Confidence (Jan)
09:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
09:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
09:00 hod.
Full Year GDP Growth (2025)
09:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
08:15 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:15 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
08:00 hod.
6-Month ATB Auction
08:00 hod.
3-Month ATB Auction
08:00 hod.
Business Confidence (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Business Confidence (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
08:00 hod.
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
08:00 hod.
PPI (Dec)
08:00 hod.
PPI (Dec)
08:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Economic Tendency Indicator (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Consumer Inflation Expectations (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
08:00 hod.
KOF Leading Indicators (Jan)
07:30 hod.
Balance of Trade (Nov)
07:30 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
07:30 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
07:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
07:00 hod.
Loan Growth (Dec)
07:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
07:00 hod.
Economic Confidence Index (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Import Prices (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
piatok - 31. januára 2025
20:30 hod.
CFTC Palladium Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC United Kingdom Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC Switzerland Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC Silver Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC Aluminium Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC Australia Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC Brazil Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC Canada Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC Copper Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC European Union Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC Gold Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC Japan Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC Mexico Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC New Zealand Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC Platinum Speculative net positions
20:00 hod.
Cement Production (Dec)
18:15 hod.
Overnight Lending Rate
18:00 hod.
Baker Hughes Oil Rig Count (Jan/31)
18:00 hod.
Interest Rate Decision
18:00 hod.
Baker Hughes Total Rigs Count (Jan/31)
18:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
17:30 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Q4)
17:00 hod.
New Car Registrations (Jan)
17:00 hod.
New Car Registrations (Jan)
17:00 hod.
M2 Money Supply (Dec)
16:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
16:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
16:00 hod.
Budget Balance (Nov)
15:50 hod.
Current Account (Dec)
15:30 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
15:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
15:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
14:45 hod.
Chicago PMI (Jan)
13:30 hod.
GDP (Dec)
13:30 hod.
Core PCE Price Index (Dec)
13:30 hod.
Core PCE Price Index (Dec)
13:30 hod.
Employment Cost - Benefits (Q4)
13:30 hod.
Employment Cost Index (Q4)
13:30 hod.
Employment Cost - Wages (Q4)
13:30 hod.
Fed Bowman Speech
13:30 hod.
GDP (Nov)
13:30 hod.
PCE Price Index (Dec)
13:30 hod.
PCE Price Index (Dec)
13:30 hod.
Personal Income (Dec)
13:30 hod.
Personal Spending (Dec)
13:00 hod.
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
13:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
13:00 hod.
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
13:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
12:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
12:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
12:00 hod.
Manufacturing Production (Dec)
12:00 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
12:00 hod.
Copper Production (Dec)
12:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
12:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
12:00 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
11:50 hod.
New Car Sales (Jan)
11:30 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan/24)
11:30 hod.
Nominal Budget Balance (Dec)
11:30 hod.
Deposit Growth (Jan/17)
11:30 hod.
Infrastructure Output (Dec)
11:30 hod.
Gross Debt to GDP (Dec)
11:30 hod.
Bank Loan Growth (Jan/17)
11:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
11:00 hod.
PPI (Dec)
11:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
11:00 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Jan)
11:00 hod.
PPI (Dec)
11:00 hod.
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:00 hod.
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:00 hod.
PPI (Dec)
11:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
11:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
11:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
11:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
11:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
11:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
11:00 hod.
Wholesale Prices (Dec)
11:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:45 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:45 hod.
Wholesale Prices (Jan)
10:45 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:30 hod.
PPI (Dec)
10:30 hod.
Government Budget Value (Dec)
10:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Nov)
10:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
10:00 hod.
Wage Growth (Q3)
10:00 hod.
PPI (Dec)
10:00 hod.
PPI (Dec)
10:00 hod.
PPI (Dec)
09:30 hod.
New Car Registrations (Jan)
09:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:05 hod.
Inflation Rate (Dec)
09:05 hod.
Inflation Rate (Dec)
09:00 hod.
Saxony CPI (Jan)
09:00 hod.
Baden Wuerttemberg CPI (Jan)
09:00 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan)
09:00 hod.
Brandenburg CPI (Jan)
09:00 hod.
Hesse CPI (Jan)
09:00 hod.
Hesse CPI (Jan)
09:00 hod.
Brandenburg CPI (Jan)
09:00 hod.
Bavaria CPI (Jan)
09:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Dec)
09:00 hod.
Bavaria CPI (Jan)
09:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Dec)
09:00 hod.
M3 Money Supply (Dec)
09:00 hod.
North Rhine Westphalia CPI (Jan)
09:00 hod.
North Rhine Westphalia CPI (Jan)
09:00 hod.
Baden Wuerttemberg CPI (Jan)
09:00 hod.
Registered Jobless Rate (Jan)
09:00 hod.
ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters
09:00 hod.
Saxony CPI (Jan)
09:00 hod.
Consumer Inflation Expectations (Dec)
09:00 hod.
Unemployed Persons (Jan)
09:00 hod.
Current Account (Nov)
08:55 hod.
Unemployed Persons (Jan)
08:55 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Jan)
08:55 hod.
Unemployment Change (Jan)
08:15 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Construction Output (Dec)
08:00 hod.
PPI (Dec)
08:00 hod.
PPI (Dec)
08:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
08:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
08:00 hod.
Consumer Confidence (Dec)
08:00 hod.
Tourist Arrivals (Dec)
08:00 hod.
HALPIM Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
08:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
08:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
08:00 hod.
Economic Activity (Dec)
08:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
08:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
08:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
07:45 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:45 hod.
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:45 hod.
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:45 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:45 hod.
PPI (Dec)
07:45 hod.
PPI (Dec)
07:30 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
07:30 hod.
PPI (Dec)
07:30 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
07:30 hod.
Business Confidence (Jan)
07:30 hod.
Retail Sales (Nov)
07:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Imports (Dec)
07:00 hod.
GDP (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Private Consumption (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Private Investment (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Current Account (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Tourism Revenues (Q4)
07:00 hod.
Nationwide Housing Prices (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Nationwide Housing Prices (Jan)
07:00 hod.
M3 Money Supply (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Exports (Dec)
06:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
06:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
06:00 hod.
Current Account (Q4)
06:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
05:00 hod.
Business Confidence (Q4)
05:00 hod.
Construction Orders (Dec)
05:00 hod.
Housing Starts (Dec)
04:30 hod.
Foreign Direct Investment (Q4)
04:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
03:35 hod.
2-Year JGB Auction
03:35 hod.
3-Month Bill Auction
02:00 hod.
Bank Lending (Dec)
01:00 hod.
PPI (Dec)
00:30 hod.
PPI (Q4)
00:30 hod.
PPI (Q4)
00:30 hod.
Housing Credit (Dec)
00:30 hod.
Private Sector Credit (Dec)
00:30 hod.
Private Sector Credit (Dec)
00:01 hod.
CoreLogic Dwelling Prices (Jan)
00:00 hod.
Third and Fourth day of Chinese New Year
sobota - 1. februára 2025
23:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
23:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
00:00 hod.
Chinese New Year
00:00 hod.
Exports (Jan)
00:00 hod.
Imports (Jan)
00:00 hod.
Abolition of Slavery
00:00 hod.
Federal Territory Day
00:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Jan)
nedeľa - 2. februára 2025
23:50 hod.
BoJ Summary of Opinions
23:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
23:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
23:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
22:00 hod.
Judo Bank Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
pondelok - 3. februára 2025
22:00 hod.
Tax Revenue (Jan)
21:45 hod.
Building Permits (Dec)
20:00 hod.
Treasury Refunding Financingimates
17:30 hod.
Fed Bostic Speech
16:30 hod.
6-Month Bill Auction
16:30 hod.
3-Month Bill Auction
15:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
15:00 hod.
ISM Manufacturing Prices (Jan)
15:00 hod.
ISM Manufacturing New Orders (Jan)
15:00 hod.
ISM Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
15:00 hod.
Construction Spending (Dec)
15:00 hod.
Davivienda Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
15:00 hod.
ISM Manufacturing Employment (Jan)
14:45 hod.
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
14:30 hod.
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
14:00 hod.
6-Month BTF Auction
14:00 hod.
12-Month BTF Auction
14:00 hod.
3-Month BTF Auction
13:00 hod.
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
13:00 hod.
SIPMM Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
12:30 hod.
Total New Vehicle Sales (Jan)
12:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
12:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
11:30 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan)
11:30 hod.
IMACEC Economic Activity (Dec)
11:30 hod.
BCB Focus Market Readout
11:15 hod.
Balance of Trade (Jan)
11:15 hod.
Business Confidence (Q4)
11:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
11:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
10:25 hod.
M2 Money Supply (Dec)
10:25 hod.
Private Sector Credit (Dec)
10:00 hod.
Interest Rate Decision
10:00 hod.
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hod.
CPI (Jan)
10:00 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Dec)
10:00 hod.
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hod.
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hod.
House Price Index (Jan)
10:00 hod.
House Price Index (Jan)
10:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
09:30 hod.
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
09:00 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Jan)
09:00 hod.
Unemployed Persons (Jan)
09:00 hod.
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
09:00 hod.
M2 Money Supply (Dec)
09:00 hod.
DNB Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
09:00 hod.
ABSA Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
09:00 hod.
HCOB Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
08:55 hod.
HCOB Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
08:50 hod.
HCOB Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
08:45 hod.
HCOB Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
08:45 hod.
Stanbic IBTC Bank Nigeria PMI (Jan)
08:30 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
08:30 hod.
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
08:30 hod.
procure.ch Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
08:30 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
08:30 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
08:15 hod.
HCOB Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Tourist Arrivals (Dec)
08:00 hod.
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hod.
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Unemployment Change (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:30 hod.
Swedbank Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
07:30 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Istanbul Chamber of Industry Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
07:00 hod.
PPI (Jan)
07:00 hod.
PPI (Jan)
07:00 hod.
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
07:00 hod.
BCR Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
06:00 hod.
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
06:00 hod.
NEVI Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
05:30 hod.
Commodity Prices (Jan)
05:30 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
05:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
05:00 hod.
2-Year KTB Auction
05:00 hod.
HSBC Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
04:45 hod.
Tourist Arrivals (Dec)
04:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
04:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
04:00 hod.
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
02:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Dec)
02:00 hod.
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
02:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Dec)
01:45 hod.
Caixin Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
00:30 hod.
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
00:30 hod.
Building Permits (Dec)
00:30 hod.
Jibun Bank Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
00:30 hod.
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
00:30 hod.
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
00:30 hod.
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
00:30 hod.
ANZ-Indeed Job Ads (Jan)
00:30 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
00:30 hod.
Private House Approvals (Dec)
00:30 hod.
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
00:30 hod.
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
00:30 hod.
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
00:30 hod.
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
00:00 hod.
National Heroes' Day
00:00 hod.
National Heroes Day
00:00 hod.
Mozambique's Heroes' Day
00:00 hod.
Liberation Day
00:00 hod.
Constitution Day
utorok - 4. februára 2025
23:30 hod.
Average Cash Earnings (Dec)
23:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
23:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
22:00 hod.
Judo Bank Services PMI (Jan)
22:00 hod.
Judo Bank Composite PMI (Jan)
21:45 hod.
Labour Costs Index (Q4)
21:45 hod.
Participation Rate (Q4)
21:45 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Q4)
21:45 hod.
Employment Change (Q4)
21:45 hod.
Labour Costs Index (Q4)
21:30 hod.
API Crude Oil Stock Change (Jan/31)
21:00 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan)
19:00 hod.
Fed Daly Speech
16:00 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan)
16:00 hod.
Fed Bostic Speech
15:10 hod.
RCM/TIPP Economic Optimism Index (Feb)
15:00 hod.
Factory Orders (Dec)
15:00 hod.
Exports (Dec)
15:00 hod.
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
15:00 hod.
JOLTs Job Openings (Dec)
15:00 hod.
JOLTs Job Quits (Dec)
15:00 hod.
Factory Orders ex Transportation (Dec)
13:55 hod.
Redbook (Feb/01)
12:00 hod.
Global Dairy Trade Price Index (Feb/04)
12:00 hod.
Business Confidence (Jan)
12:00 hod.
PPI (Dec)
12:00 hod.
PPI (Dec)
11:30 hod.
Budget Balance (Dec)
11:00 hod.
BCB Copom Meeting Minutes
11:00 hod.
LMI Logistics Managers Index (Jan)
10:00 hod.
5-Year Treasury Gilt Auction
09:30 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
09:00 hod.
Qatar Financial Centre PMI (Jan)
08:30 hod.
Monetary Policy Meeting Minutes
08:00 hod.
IPC-Fipe Inflation (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Interest Rate Decision
07:45 hod.
Budget Balance (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Exports (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Imports (Jan)
07:00 hod.
PPI (Dec)
05:15 hod.
S&P Global PMI (Jan)
05:00 hod.
MAS 12-Week Bill Auction
05:00 hod.
30-Year KTB Auction
05:00 hod.
MAS 4-Week Bill Auction
04:15 hod.
Riyad Bank PMI (Jan)
03:35 hod.
10-Year JGB Auction
02:35 hod.
1-Year Bill Auction
02:35 hod.
6-Month Bill Auction
02:35 hod.
3-Month Bill Auction
01:01 hod.
AIB Manufacturing PMI (Jan)
00:00 hod.
National Day
streda - 5. februára 2025
14:30 hod.
S&P Global Composite PMI (Jan)
14:00 hod.
Interest Rate Decision (Feb)
13:45 hod.
Interest Rate Decision
13:30 hod.
Imports (Dec)
13:30 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
13:30 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
13:30 hod.
Exports (Dec)
13:30 hod.
Exports (Dec)
13:30 hod.
Treasury Refunding Announcement
13:30 hod.
Imports (Dec)
13:15 hod.
ADP Employment Change (Jan)
13:00 hod.
S&P Global Composite PMI (Jan)
13:00 hod.
S&P Global Services PMI (Jan)
12:00 hod.
MBA Mortgage Refinance Index (Jan/31)
12:00 hod.
MBA Mortgage Market Index (Jan/31)
12:00 hod.
MBA Mortgage Applications (Jan/31)
12:00 hod.
Gross Fixed Investment (Nov)
12:00 hod.
MBA 30-Year Mortgage Rate (Jan/31)
12:00 hod.
Gross Fixed Investment (Nov)
12:00 hod.
MBA Purchase Index (Jan/31)
12:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
12:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
11:30 hod.
Current Account (Dec)
11:30 hod.
Foreign Direct Investment (Dec)
11:30 hod.
M3 Money Supply (Jan/24)
11:30 hod.
Tourist Arrivals (Jan)
11:10 hod.
3-Month Bill Auction
11:10 hod.
6-Month Bill Auction
11:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hod.
PPI (Dec)
10:00 hod.
Interest Rate Decision
10:00 hod.
30-Year Green Gilt Auction
10:00 hod.
PPI (Dec)
09:30 hod.
S&P Global Services PMI (Jan)
09:30 hod.
S&P Global Composite PMI (Jan)
09:00 hod.
BLOM Lebanon PMI (Jan)
09:00 hod.
HCOB Services PMI (Jan)
09:00 hod.
New Car Sales (Jan)
09:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
09:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
09:00 hod.
HCOB Composite PMI (Jan)
09:00 hod.
S&P Global PMI (Jan)
08:55 hod.
HCOB Composite PMI (Jan)
08:55 hod.
HCOB Services PMI (Jan)
08:50 hod.
HCOB Services PMI (Jan)
08:50 hod.
HCOB Composite PMI (Jan)
08:45 hod.
HCOB Services PMI (Jan)
08:45 hod.
HCOB Composite PMI (Jan)
08:30 hod.
Stanbic Bank Zambia PMI (Jan)
08:30 hod.
Interest Rate Decision
08:20 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan)
08:15 hod.
HCOB Services PMI (Jan)
08:15 hod.
HCOB Composite PMI (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
08:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
08:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:45 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
07:30 hod.
Services PMI (Jan)
07:30 hod.
Stanbic Bank PMI (Jan)
07:15 hod.
S&P Global PMI (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Tengri Partners Services PMI (Jan)
06:00 hod.
S&P Global Services PMI (Jan)
06:00 hod.
Stanbic Bank Uganda PMI (Jan)
06:00 hod.
S&P Global Composite PMI (Jan)
05:00 hod.
HSBC Composite PMI (Jan)
05:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
05:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
05:00 hod.
HSBC Services PMI (Jan)
04:15 hod.
S&P Global PMI (Jan)
04:00 hod.
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
04:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
04:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
04:00 hod.
Full Year GDP Growth (2025)
04:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
01:45 hod.
Caixin Services PMI (Jan)
01:45 hod.
Caixin Composite PMI (Jan)
01:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
01:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
01:00 hod.
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
00:30 hod.
Jibun Bank Composite PMI (Jan)
00:30 hod.
S&P Global PMI (Jan)
00:30 hod.
S&P Global PMI (Jan)
00:30 hod.
Jibun Bank Services PMI (Jan)
00:30 hod.
TD-MI Inflation Gauge (Jan)
00:00 hod.
Unity Day
00:00 hod.
Kashmir Day
štvrtok - 6. februára 2025
23:50 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan)
23:30 hod.
Household Spending (Dec)
23:30 hod.
Household Spending (Dec)
21:30 hod.
Fed Balance Sheet (Feb/05)
19:00 hod.
Interest Rate Decision
17:00 hod.
30-Year Mortgage Rate (Feb/06)
17:00 hod.
10-Year Bond Auction
17:00 hod.
15-Year Mortgage Rate (Feb/06)
16:30 hod.
4-Week Bill Auction
16:30 hod.
8-Week Bill Auction
15:45 hod.
6-Month LTN Auction
15:45 hod.
2-Year LTN Auction
15:45 hod.
10-Year NTN-F Auction
15:30 hod.
EIA Natural Gas Stocks Change (Jan/31)
15:00 hod.
Ivey PMI s.a (Jan)
14:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
13:30 hod.
CNB Interest Rate Decision
13:30 hod.
Continuing Jobless Claims (Jan/25)
13:30 hod.
Nonfarm Productivity (Q4)
13:30 hod.
Jobless Claims 4-week Average (Feb/01)
13:30 hod.
Initial Jobless Claims (Feb/01)
13:30 hod.
Unit Labour Costs (Q4)
13:00 hod.
Tourist Arrivals (Jan)
12:30 hod.
Challenger Job Cuts (Jan)
12:10 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan)
12:00 hod.
BoE Monetary Policy Report
12:00 hod.
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
12:00 hod.
BoE Interest Rate Decision
12:00 hod.
Business Confidence (Jan)
12:00 hod.
BoE MPC Vote Hike
12:00 hod.
BoE MPC Vote Cut
12:00 hod.
MPC Meeting Minutes
12:00 hod.
BoE MPC Vote Unchanged
11:30 hod.
Bank Lending (Dec)
11:30 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan/31)
11:00 hod.
Vehicle Sales (Jan)
11:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
11:00 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Jan)
10:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
10:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hod.
OAT Auction
10:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hod.
Interest Rate Decision
10:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
10:00 hod.
New Car Registrations (Jan)
09:30 hod.
S&P Global Construction PMI (Jan)
09:30 hod.
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Jan)
09:00 hod.
Consumer Inflation Expectations (Dec)
09:00 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Q4)
09:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
09:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
08:30 hod.
HCOB Construction PMI (Jan)
08:30 hod.
HCOB Construction PMI (Jan)
08:30 hod.
HCOB Construction PMI (Jan)
08:30 hod.
HCOB Construction PMI (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
08:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
08:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
08:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
08:00 hod.
Construction Output (Dec)
08:00 hod.
Bundesanleihe Auction
08:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
08:00 hod.
Balance of Trade
07:30 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
07:30 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hod.
House Price Index (Jan)
07:00 hod.
CPIF (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Factory Orders (Dec)
06:45 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Jan)
06:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
06:00 hod.
CPIF (Jan)
06:00 hod.
Standard Bank PMI (Jan)
06:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
00:00 hod.
Waitangi Day
piatok - 7. februára 2025
23:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
23:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
22:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
22:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
20:30 hod.
CFTC Palladium Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC New Zealand Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC Mexico Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC Japan Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC Gold Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC European Union Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC Copper Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC Canada Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC Aluminium Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC Brazil Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC Australia Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC United Kingdom Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC Switzerland Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC Silver Speculative net positions
20:30 hod.
CFTC Platinum Speculative net positions
20:00 hod.
Consumer Credit Change (Dec)
19:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
18:00 hod.
Baker Hughes Total Rigs Count (Feb/07)
18:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Jan)
18:00 hod.
Baker Hughes Oil Rig Count (Feb/07)
16:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
16:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
15:00 hod.
Wholesale Inventories (Dec)
15:00 hod.
Full Year GDP Growth (2025)
15:00 hod.
Michigan Consumer Sentiment (Feb)
15:00 hod.
Michigan Consumer Expectations (Feb)
15:00 hod.
Michigan 5 Year Inflation Expectations (Feb)
15:00 hod.
Michigan Current Conditions (Feb)
15:00 hod.
Michigan Inflation Expectations (Feb)
14:30 hod.
Treasury Cash Balance (Jan)
14:20 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan)
14:00 hod.
Used Car Prices (Jan)
14:00 hod.
Used Car Prices (Jan)
13:45 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan)
13:30 hod.
Participation Rate (Jan)
13:30 hod.
Manufacturing Payrolls (Jan)
13:30 hod.
Nonfarm Payrolls Private (Jan)
13:30 hod.
Employment Change (Jan)
13:30 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Jan)
13:30 hod.
Part Time Employment Chg (Jan)
13:30 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Jan)
13:30 hod.
Non Farm Payrolls (Jan)
13:30 hod.
U-6 Unemployment Rate
13:30 hod.
Full Time Employment Chg (Jan)
13:30 hod.
Average Hourly Earnings (Jan)
13:30 hod.
Average Hourly Wages (Jan)
13:30 hod.
Average Weekly Hours (Jan)
13:30 hod.
Average Hourly Earnings
13:30 hod.
Government Payrolls (Jan)
13:30 hod.
Participation Rate (Jan)
13:00 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan)
13:00 hod.
New Car Registrations (Jan)
13:00 hod.
Car Production (Jan)
12:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
12:00 hod.
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
12:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
12:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
12:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
12:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
12:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
12:00 hod.
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:30 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan/31)
11:30 hod.
Gross Debt to GDP (Dec)
11:30 hod.
Exports (Jan)
11:30 hod.
Balance of Trade (Jan)
11:30 hod.
Imports (Jan)
11:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
11:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:00 hod.
SACCI Business Confidence (Jan)
11:00 hod.
SACCI Business Confidence (Dec)
11:00 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Q4)
11:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:00 hod.
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
10:00 hod.
BBA Mortgage Rate (Jan)
10:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
10:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
09:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
09:00 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan)
09:00 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan)
09:00 hod.
Consumer Confidence (Q1)
08:30 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Wholesale Prices (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
08:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Nov)
08:00 hod.
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Exports (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Imports (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
08:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
08:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Wholesale Prices (Jan)
07:45 hod.
Current Account (Dec)
07:45 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
07:45 hod.
Imports (Dec)
07:45 hod.
Private Non Farm Payrolls (Q4)
07:45 hod.
Exports (Dec)
07:45 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan)
07:30 hod.
Inflation Report
07:00 hod.
Manufacturing Production (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Imports (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Halifax House Price Index (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Halifax House Price Index (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Exports (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Manufacturing Production (Dec)
06:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
06:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
06:00 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Jan)
06:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
05:00 hod.
Coincident Index (Dec)
05:00 hod.
Leading Economic Index (Dec)
sobota - 8. februára 2025
10:00 hod.
Budget Balance (Dec)
10:00 hod.
Budget Balance (Jan)
00:00 hod.
Culture Day
nedeľa - 9. februára 2025
23:50 hod.
Bank Lending (Jan)
23:50 hod.
Current Account (Dec)
01:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
01:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
01:30 hod.
PPI (Jan)
00:00 hod.
Saint Maroun Day
00:00 hod.
General Elections
pondelok - 10. februára 2025
07:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
07:00 hod.
GDP Mainland (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Household Consumption (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Household Consumption (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Outstanding Loan Growth (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Construction Output (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Current Account (Dec)
07:00 hod.
GDP Growth Mainland (Q4)
07:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
07:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hod.
M2 Money Supply (Jan)
07:00 hod.
New Orders (Dec)
07:00 hod.
New Yuan Loans (Jan)
07:00 hod.
PPI (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Total Social Financing (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
06:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
06:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
06:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
06:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
06:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
05:30 hod.
Manufacturing Production (Dec)
05:00 hod.
Eco Watchers Survey Outlook (Jan)
05:00 hod.
Eco Watchers Survey Current (Jan)
05:00 hod.
3-Year KTB Auction
04:15 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
04:00 hod.
Construction Output (Q4)
02:00 hod.
Motorbike Sales (Jan)
02:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
01:01 hod.
Construction PMI (Jan)
00:30 hod.
Private House Approvals (Dec)
00:30 hod.
Building Permits (Dec)
00:00 hod.
Feast of St. Paul's Shipwreck
00:00 hod.
Revolution Day
utorok - 11. februára 2025
22:30 hod.
PPI (Jan)
21:30 hod.
API Crude Oil Stock Change (Feb/07)
18:00 hod.
3-Year Note Auction
17:00 hod.
WASDE Report
16:00 hod.
Total Household Debt (Q4)
13:55 hod.
Redbook (Feb/08)
13:30 hod.
Building Permits (Dec)
13:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
12:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
12:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
11:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
11:00 hod.
Manufacturing Production (Dec)
11:00 hod.
Manufacturing Production (Dec)
10:30 hod.
5-Year Bobl Auction
09:15 hod.
Interest Rate Decision
09:00 hod.
Interest Rate Decision
08:00 hod.
Construction Output (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Auto Sales (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Auto Production (Jan)
06:30 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Q4)
05:00 hod.
MAS 4-Week Bill Auction
00:00 hod.
Armed Forces Day
00:00 hod.
Youth Day
00:00 hod.
Thaipoosam Cavadee
00:00 hod.
00:00 hod.
National Foundation Day
streda - 12. februára 2025
13:45 hod.
Current Account (Dec)
13:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
13:30 hod.
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
13:30 hod.
Core Inflation Rate (Jan)
13:30 hod.
CPI (Jan)
13:30 hod.
CPI s.a (Jan)
13:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
13:00 hod.
Monetary Policy Meeting Minutes
12:00 hod.
MBA Purchase Index (Feb/07)
12:00 hod.
MBA Mortgage Refinance Index (Feb/07)
12:00 hod.
MBA Mortgage Market Index (Feb/07)
12:00 hod.
MBA Mortgage Applications (Feb/07)
12:00 hod.
MBA 30-Year Mortgage Rate (Feb/07)
11:20 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:20 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:20 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
11:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:00 hod.
PPI (Dec)
10:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:30 hod.
Manufacturing Production (Dec)
10:30 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
10:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
10:30 hod.
30-Year Bund Auction
10:10 hod.
12-Month BOT Auction
10:00 hod.
20-Year Index-Linked Treasury Gilt Auction
10:00 hod.
GDP (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Foreign Direct Investment (Nov)
07:00 hod.
Participation Rate (Dec)
06:00 hod.
Current Account (Dec)
štvrtok - 13. februára 2025
17:00 hod.
30-Year Mortgage Rate (Feb/13)
17:00 hod.
5-Year Bond Auction
17:00 hod.
15-Year Mortgage Rate (Feb/13)
16:30 hod.
8-Week Bill Auction
16:30 hod.
4-Week Bill Auction
15:45 hod.
2-Year LTN Auction
15:45 hod.
10-Year NTN-F Auction
15:30 hod.
EIA Natural Gas Stocks Change (Feb/07)
13:30 hod.
Core PPI (Jan)
13:30 hod.
PPI (Jan)
13:30 hod.
PPI (Jan)
13:30 hod.
PPI (Jan)
13:30 hod.
PPI Ex Food, Energy and Trade (Jan)
13:30 hod.
Continuing Jobless Claims (Feb/01)
13:30 hod.
Core PPI (Jan)
13:30 hod.
PPI Ex Food, Energy and Trade (Jan)
13:30 hod.
Jobless Claims 4-week Average (Feb/08)
13:30 hod.
Initial Jobless Claims (Feb/08)
13:00 hod.
Current Account (Dec)
13:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
11:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:30 hod.
Foreign Exchange Reserves (Feb/07)
11:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
11:00 hod.
Unemployment Rate (Q4)
11:00 hod.
Current Account (Dec)
11:00 hod.
Interest Rate Decision
11:00 hod.
NFIB Business Optimism Index (Jan)
11:00 hod.
GDP (Jan)
10:45 hod.
Current Account (Dec)
10:10 hod.
BTP Auction
10:00 hod.
Imports (Jan)
10:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Jan)
10:00 hod.
ZEW Economic Sentiment Index (Feb)
10:00 hod.
ZEW Current Conditions (Feb)
10:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Dec)
10:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
10:00 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
10:00 hod.
Exports (Jan)
10:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Dec)
09:30 hod.
Gold Production (Dec)
09:30 hod.
Mining Production (Dec)
09:30 hod.
Mining Production (Dec)
09:30 hod.
PPI (Jan)
09:00 hod.
IEA Oil Market Report
09:00 hod.
Current Account (Dec)
09:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
08:50 hod.
GDP (Jan)
08:00 hod.
Current Account (Dec)
07:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:30 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
07:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
07:00 hod.
GDP Growth Rate (Q4)
07:00 hod.
GDP 3-Month Avg (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Balance of Trade (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Goods Trade Balance Non-EU (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Goods Trade Balance (Dec)
07:00 hod.
GDP (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hod.
GDP (Dec)
07:00 hod.
PPI (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Business Investment (Q4)
07:00 hod.
Business Investment (Q4)
07:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Retail Sales (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Harmonised Inflation Rate (Jan)
07:00 hod.
Current Account (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Construction Output (Dec)
07:00 hod.
Construction Orders (Q4)
07:00 hod.
PPI (Jan)
06:40 hod.
Industrial Production (Dec)
06:00 hod.
Machine Tool Orders (Jan)
06:00 hod.
Car Sales (Jan)
05:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
05:30 hod.
Inflation Rate (Jan)
05:00 hod.
6-Month T-Bill Auction
04:30 hod.
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
03:00 hod.
Consumer Confidence (Jan)
02:30 hod.
Business Inflation Expectations (Q1)
00:30 hod.
NAB Business Confidence (Jan)